Abandoned houses
How to find intel about an 'Abandoned Home'? Things like:
1. Ownership;
2. Value of property;
3. Tax Map Identification Number;
4. Book / Page of the deed at the Recorder of Deeds office.
The answer is the geographic information system (GIS) map.
In the county assessors office (CRIM office in Puerto Rico) one can find:
1. Ownership;
2. Property assessment;
3. Tax Map Identification Number;
4. Book / Page for the deed at the Recorder of Deeds.
With the address of the property, the address by which the property is commonly known, you can get the tax map number (cartography number; parcel id) and the 'Book / Page' of the Deed; information you can use to validate the property owner at the 'Recorder of Deeds Office' in person or online.
Most ‘counties’ have ‘on line services’; the “Digital Land Registry” appears as a geographic information system (GIS)’. Search the ‘County Home Page website’ for ON-LINE Services. In the GIS window 'address' write the address of the house you are looking for.
Without the address of the property. go to the GIS map and with the MOUSE point and click the lot where the property is.
Assessor’s office information about property.
1. Ownership according to the county assessor office (sometimes a corporation);
2. Value the assessor placed on the property;
3. Tax Map Identification Number;
4. Book / Page of the deed at the Recorder of Deeds office.
When the owner of the abandoned house is a corporation the Secretary of State, On Line service [Department of State], may have information about corporate name and business address. If the property is abandoned by a corporation, limited liability
company, partnership, etc., usually favorable to: "Rent-to-Own",
"Contract for Title" or at a discount price.